Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Paradise Out Sea

So as you all may know, about a month ago Michelle and I set forth a journey far out sea (well not really that far out, thanks to the swine flu). I'd say the cruise was "okay." It had it's ups and downs (both literally and metaphorically).

The first day out Michelle and I experienced major nausea from the topsy turby cruise boat. I thought hell, this is a big ass ship, so it should have some power in it. And to my knowledge in physics, if you're traveling over water pretty fast on a huge vessel, I would think it wouldn't rock that much.. What was more surprising was that Michelle felt it more than I did. From past experiences, I'd say Thomas and boats don't mix very well, however I got used to it by the second day (with the help of 3 pills of course). Anyways the cruise honestly wasn't as cracked up as I thought it would be. I'd say it would have probably been a lot better if we got to stop by Mexico or something. Catalina Islands was a major savior to the trip. Actually there were a couple of things that really saved the cruise from me giving it a major F. The first would probably be the gambling tables. Even though I blew a lot of money on blackjack and roulette, (thankfully Michelle saved my ass and won some money back :)) I had a lot of fun. Probably the highlight of the trip actually. Another standout for the cruise would be the unlimited buffet style lunches and the fancy smancy dinners every night. Anyways I don't really want to get into really specific details because, I really don't have any. All in all I give the cruise trip a C-.

Here's a breakdown of how much we paid (or how much I paid)
Price: $ 598 (for 2)
Tax: $ 75
Refund 1: $-100 (for 2, because we couldn't go to Mexico)
Refund 2: $- 50 (for 2, because the pool flooded)
Casino 1: $ 60
Casino 2: $ 46 ($6 was the ATM fee....)
Casino Win: $- 90 (Michelle won it back hehe...)
Total Damage: $ 539


Looks good, but looks can be deceiving. I was expecting the cone areas to be crunchy. It wasn't.

This was bomb however. 4 days straight. Yup.

The main Atrium? I think that's what it's called.

Damn unstable boat...

Notice the yellow tape around the pool? Yeah on the 3rd day it apparently "flooded" into the lower deck, which is the fancy dinning hall #2 (ours was #1 thank God). At least we got a refund from it.

Our small ass room. How am I supposed to sneak in hoes at night?!

Meet Smiley. BEST. WAITER. EVER. This dude is real cool no doubt. The service he brought was seriously outstanding, better than at any restaurant in my life. Every group had a specific waiter that would serve them every night at the fancy dinner and this guy was ours. We grew pretty attatched to the guy, and all felt kind of sad that the cruise was over and we wouldn't see him the next night.

Like the unlimited lunch buffets, we also had unlimited food on the fancy dinner nights.

Catalina Island. Real nice place.

Till next time.

P.S. check out more photos here:

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