Thursday, June 25, 2009

More than Meets the Eye

Just saw Transformers yesterday, and man what a movie! We tried to go to the early bird showing ($6!!! @ 10:15AM) and guess what? It was sold out! How crazy is that? Sold out on the FIRST showing on a WEDNESDAY. Luckily the next showing was also priced at $6. But man, what a movie! I'd say the movie was very well put together, much better than the first one (a very rare occasion). There were so many robots, explosions, meganfoxes, explosions, uh robots, some comedy, more explosions, etc. Anyways, the movie is a must see! One thing I must say though, I noticed that after every time I watch a Transformers movie, I go through this phase where I tend to look at big trucks and cars more closely to see if they're an Autobot or Decepticon :\

P.S. Lately I've been contemplating on making a facebook account out of curiosity. Seems like nowadays facebook and twitter is all the rage. I honestly haven't logged onto my myspace account for at least 3-4 months. So should I bother with a facebook page? Maybe it'll be different? What do you guys think? Poll on the side!


Jenny said...

i voted a hell yes.

DRKness! said...

myspace is trying to be a facebook imo haha, yeah myspace is dead i guess.

Edman said...

might as well, jenny needs all the friends she can get